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Participatory exhibition


Largo Café Estúdio, Lisbon

"What is a drawing? Is it a sheet of paper marked by lines and stains, or is it the way we connect with the world around us, with the others and with ourselves? In this exhibition we invite you to explore the possibilities of drawing and to share them with the others. The drawings in this exhibition are free: you can choose any you like but leave another one, made by you, in its place.

Place your drawing here. You can write your name, contact and/or a message for the next person who will be taking it back”

This was the invitation made and printed on the folders for the exhibition “make a drawing, take a drawing”. In this exhibition, all drawings were free, but in order to participate visitors should make another one and leave it in its place.

The opening weekend featured a drawing marathon in which 24 visual artists participated, inviting visitors to draw together. Every hour two artists would exchange with the following ones, establishing a dynamic of different drawing practices. The invited artists (registered through an open call) also suggested several drawing exercises to foster the relationship with the territory or imagination, which were made available for the visitors together with drawing materials. We invited everyone to be part of this exhibition in transformation that was from the neighborhood and to the neighborhood. It lasted for two weeks and more than 100 drawings were exhibited and exchanged. After the exhibition we published a ZINE with the exercises and drawings of the participating artists.

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